January 2017

Handmade Lightbox from Scratch
Light Box
Improve the photographic quality of my online gallery and create professional photographic images in order to generate more online sales .
largest cardboard moving box I had
box cutter with sharp blade
masking tape
parchment paper
a few binder clips
two task lamps
Amazing! Like a PRO!
USE IT! I am having a blast creating imagery that is appealing, crisp, clean, praiseworthy and professional.
Skillshare, Inc. – Online Tutorial
@pearlandpen – Artist
If you don’t have a professional photography studio at your fingertips, then for the love of God, make this light box!
What was I thinking all these years taking mediocre photographs and posting them??? GET WITH THE PICTURE for reels! This was a fun project. The best part is I can hoard it or invite some friends over and share the love. Go get yourself a cardboard box, and get cracking!
Handmade Lightbox from Scratch
Lightbox made from scratch and working like a charm